The lighthouse is tucked snugly between the channel on the north , the nearby Lake Michigan shore on the west , and towering hills on the south . An expansive , shade - dappled lawn sprawls to a wood fence that serves as a divider ...
Public Information Officer Lynne Murphy , her successor Rita Bobowski , and Staff Assistant Louise Hull provided ... Flint and Tom D. Crouch , Curators of Astronautics , and Gregory P. Kennedy and Walter J. Dillon , Assistant Curators .
... Larchmont, New York; Susan E. Menconi, Richard York Gallery, New York;Valery Taylor Brown,Valery Taylor Gallery, New York; Paul R. Provost and Jody Wilkie, Christie's; and the stalls of Christie's and Sotheby's, NewYork.
Sir John Evans ' ( 1823–1908 ) great collection , including several thousand implements , stone and bronze , of the Palaeolithic , Neolithic and Bronze Ages , was given by his son , Sir Arthur Evans , in 1927 .
"This volume chronicles the Museum's story from its opening, ten days after the stock market crash of 1929, in a few rented rooms in a midtown office building, up to the present day, in its new building on West Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth ...
R. J. Williams , in The Enzymes ; P. D. Boyes , H. Lardy , and K. Myrback , ( editors ) Academic Press , New York , ( 1959 ) , Second ed . , vol . 1 , p . 391 ; A. Ehrenberg and H. Theorell , Acta Chem .
Federico Da Montefeltro's Palace at Gubbio and Its Studiolo
The world-renowned Aldopho Leirner Collection of Brazilian Constructive Art, devoted to modern Latin American art of the 1950s and 1960s, represents forerunners of abstract art in Brazil as well as...
Presents color reproductions of more than 500 works from the vast collection with captions.
The first book published about Boston's French Heritage looks at the city with a sleuth's eye and reveals its hidden French history and architecture. Discover Boston's many-layered ties to France,...