An aviator, whose plane is forced down in the Sahara Desert, encounters a little man from a small planet who describes his adventures in the universe, seeking the secret of what is really important in life.
Nominally Daudet, with the Goncourts and Zola, formed a trio representing Naturalism in fiction. He adopted the watchwords of that school,andbyprivatefriendship, noless than by a common professionoffaith,wasone of them.
In: Günter Figal et al.: „Dimensionen des Hermeneutischen“. Heidegger und Gadamer. Frankfurt a.M. 2005 (= Schriftenreihe Martin-Heidegger-Gesellschaft). S. 23-35. Böni, Sonja: „Brotverwandlungen des Geistes.“ Jean Pauls Satire ‚meine ...
In the opening volume of Proust's great novel, the narrator travels backwards in time in order to tell the story of a love affair that had taken place before his own birth.
This volume explores the authors of fictional literature who contributed alongside pamphleteers, politicians, and philosophers to the establishment of this new political arena, filled with sometimes vague, yet insisting notions of happiness ...
Analyse: Roman psychologique (intime).
C'est une pièce où Winckler n'avait pas l'habitude de se tenir ' ( VME 47 ) . In his recollection of an ornate wooden chest carved by the craftsman , we see the ' on ' this time being indirectly identified : ' On mettait très longtemps ...
Contes inédits
Quand le docteur Kupérus apprend par une lettre anonyme que sa femme le trompe, il n'hésite pas : il prend un révolver, surprend les amants et les tue.
The Fourteenth Simenon Omnibus
Simenon Omnibus