This is the first book ever to chronicle the origins of our most famous tune, recognized the world over as ""America's Song."" The legacy of ""Yankee Doodle"" is as rich...
你吃的有機食品、你追求的有機生活,真的「有機」嗎?現代人注重養生,引爆有機飲食的熱烈風潮。本書讓你享受真正有機的健康新生活。 人們花很多時間追求財富,但對於人生最寶貴的財富―「健康」,我們願意花多少時間來經營呢?有些人為了美味購買有機食品,有些人則為了健康而參與有機生活,但您可能不知道有機農業的來龍去脈,也可能會好奇有機農業與傳統農業到底有什麼差別? 現代人擔心「黑心商品」吃進肚裡會影響健康,另外更得擔心農藥殘留也會對生理健康造成危害,我們不知道的是,農藥也會影響心理健康,讓我們在不知不覺中憂鬱、不快樂,甚至想不開……,為了讓現化人能夠生活得更健康,許多不可不知的切身問題,在《有機指南書》都可以找到答案!
Sun, Sand, and Snakes
Pioneers of American Landscape Design II: An Annotated Bibliography
Gavin Maxwell: The Life of the Man who Wrote Ring of Bright Water
"Famed naturalist John Muir (1838-1914) came to Wisconsin as a boy and studied at the University of Wisconsin. He first came to California in 1868 and devoted six years to...
The Story of My Boyhood and Youth is a stirring autobiography by the great American naturalist, John Muir."When I was a boy in Scotland I was fond of everything that...
One of the preeminent naturalist writers of the twentieth century, Rachel Carson was widely praised for her coupling of scientific acumen with a lyrical prose style. Her trilogy of books...
This is the charming memoir of one of the most remarkable women on the contemporary American scene. A trailblazer for her profession and her gender, Fran Hamerstrom is an internationally...