Esta obra compila las teorías educativas que soportan las acciones para la creación y aplicación del Proyecto de Acreditación (PA) con el Proyecto Educativo del Programa (PEP), y de estos a su vez con el Proyecto Institucional (PI), a través de un modelo integrador PA-PEP-PI, cuyo sustento teórico investigativo fue aplicado en el Programa de Ingeniería y Computación de la Universidad del Norte (Colombia), y logró resultados exitosos que permitieron el aval para su acreditación internacional.
This book is based on class notes for a course in the MS program in Systems Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.
This book offers readers major new updates that cover recently developed system modeling and analysis techniques and quantitative and qualitative approaches in the field, including effective techniques for addressing uncertainty.
Instructor's Solutions Manual [to] Systems Engineering and Analysis, 4th Ed
Systems Engineering Principles and Practice
With case studies written by leading practitioners, from hybrid cars to communications networks to aircraft, this text showcases the science and art of system architecture.
This book provides a basic but complete coverage of the management of complex technical projects and, in particular, of the discipline known as systems engineering through which that management is conducted.