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Harris NL , Scully RE : Malignant lymphoma and granulocytic sarcoma of the uterus and vagina . Cancer 53 : 2530 , 1984 . 147. Dudley AG , Young RH , Lawrence WD , Scully RE : Endodermal sinus tumour of the vulva in an infant .
Examines the role and function of the human lymphatic system.
Accelerated growth Breast budding (thelarche) Pubic and axillary hair growth (pubarche and adrenarche) Peak growth velocity Menarche Ovulation (half the cycles are ovulatory approximately 1–3 years after menarche) (McDonough, ...
Akzelerationen und Dezelerationen : Vorkom- Grospietsch G , Schneider KT . Empfehlungen zur Tokolyse men , Art ( wehensynchron , verzögert ) ; Wehenstär( DGGG ) . Frauenarzt1999 ; 40 : 1479 . kenbezug , Ausmaß und Dauer Hofer , M. SONO ...
Novak's Gynecology: Jonathan S. Berek, Editor : Self-assessment and Review
Discusses nutrition and its application to women's health problems, and recommends a plant-based diet that includes poultry and fish, but not meat or dairy products.
Obstetrik ve jinekolojide sonografi: İlkeler ve uygulamalar
Röntgen - Berichte 6 ( 1977 ) 365–386 Stieve , F.-E. , Th . Schmidt : Strahlenexposition und Strahlenschutz bei der Computertomographie . Röntgenpraxis 34 ( 1981 ) 87-97 Thomasz , E. , V. D'Alott , C. E. Nollmann , J. J. Kunst ...
Synopsis of Gynecologic Oncology