自一九一一年孫中山等革命人士發動辛亥革命開始,到二十年代廣泛的罷工潮,三十年代末的太平洋戰爭,四十年代日軍佔領香港,以至一九四九年大陸政權更替,香港在政治與社會動蕩不已的這約四十年歲月裏,經歷了高低起跌的風風雨雨。 然而,香港的發展步伐始終沒有凌亂,逐漸從鄉村漁港,發展成為工商金融業中心。作者鄭寶鴻透過一幅幅珍貴歷史圖片及大量材料,見證香港懷著鬥志走過的每一步。 本書特色: 1. 本書從20個主題,包括中國與香港、風雲人物、社會與人口、交通、財經金融、工商業、土地發展與房屋等,用大量圖片配以簡短的介紹文字,展現1911-1950年香港的發展及生活面貌。 2. 作者為上下兩個篇章分別撰寫一篇短文,以概括當時期值得注意的大事件及重點,讓讀者在閱覽圖片前對主題有一個大概認識。 3. 本書刊載大量珍貴圖片及檔案資料超過260件,絕大部分更是首次公開,具有珍貴歷史價值。
Emi Take Hong Kong: A Kid's Story Travel Guide
Jonathan Fenby's masterly survey of his last year in charge of Hong Kong's leading English-language newspaper is both a fascinating insight into this amazing place and an entertaining and enlightening personal story of changing fortunes.
... Western Han Xin Interregnum Eastern Han Three Kingdoms Period Wei Shu Wu Western Jin Eastern Jin Northern and Southern Southern ( disunited ) Northern Sui Tang Five Dynasties Period Ten Kingdoms Liao Song Northern Song Southern Song ...
Queen's Road Central and Other Stories
Buses for Showa - Shinzan and Camp Takinoue depart from the bus terminal , so inquire there about the time schedule . Buses aren't very frequent , so if you find yourself stuck somewhere , stick out your thumb .
... L. M. 70 Ho, M. L. 85 Hoadley, J. S. 27 Hobsbawm, E. J. 78 “Homecoming” (Sishui liunian) (film) 66 Hong Kong: administrative bureaucracy in 53–5; as “apolitical” 26; as belonging to the global market 9–15, 29, 35, 39, 123, 137, 160; ...
《禽流感, 非典, 金融風暴和九一一事件是人蛇集團制造!》: 我們被毒殺!公平人間系列第三本(中文版)
... Sergeant Major John R. Osborn of the Winnipeg Grenadiers, who was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for heroism during the defense of Hong Kong in 1941. The statue itself does not actually depict Sergeant Osborn, however.
金堯如: 香江五十年憶往