Periplus Tropical Nature Guides are practical field guides, useful for identifying various natural objects ranging from plant's and animals to gemstones and seashells. Each page of each title throughout the series is filled with clear, precise photographs and informative text. Scientific and local language names are given.
This handy pocket guide provides an excellent introduction to the full range of superb gemstones mined and processed in the region, their physical characteristics, historical importance and countries of origin.
DAWKINS H. C. (1958), The management of natural tropical high forest with special reference to Uganda, Institute paper No. 34, Imperial Forestry Institute, ... FAO (1981), Forest Resources of Tropical Africa, Parts 1 and 2, GEMS, Rome.
GEMS data were collected between 1976 and 1995, for some rivers representing monitoring of only two years. In this chapter we examine the natural and anthropogenic factors controlling concentration, yield, and load of DSi in tropical ...
The First Dictionary For The Internet Age Anne H. Soukhanov, Microsoft ... danger , or embarrassment o Even a strong thing , especially earth , with the hands , paws , a tool , or di.ges - tate / dī jést àyt / n a material ...
ince most {Topical butterflies live For only two to eight weeks, how does a butterfly house in Ohio or New York keep getting these delicate tropical gems? Butterfly Farms in tropical countries raise the caterpillars, then send the ...
Each entry is described in detail, and the expert botanical information is included, along with interesting historical anecdotes. This book will delight lovers of tropical flora.
Beer, C., M. Reichstein, E. Tomelleri, P. Ciais, M. Jung, N. Carvalhais, C. Rödenbeck, M.A. Arain, D. Baldocchi, G.B. Bonan, ... H. Margolis, K.W. Oleson, O. Roupsard, E. Veenendaal, N. Viovy, C. Williams, F.I. Woodward and D. Papale.
It is the GEMS' Global Resource Information Database (GRID) —. small-scale UNESCOvegetationmaps, LANDSAT data (interpreted by using whathad been learned in the pilot project on tropical forest monitoring). The assessment includes both ...
It is a general principle of biogeography that species' turnover rates on islands are higher than those on continents. Inevitably, the same is true of scientists assigned to work on islands.
Culinary uses are given, with tips on how to produce the best flavors, and the book ends with a number of mouth-watering fruit recipes. Illustrated with beautiful color photographs, this book is a must for lovers of tropical tastes.