This second edition is thoroughly revised to take into account the new Hong Kong Standards on Quality Control, Auditing, Assurance and Related Services, and the numerous developments of a full range of auditing topics since the previous edition. A major feature of this book is that it boldly draws on economic theories to explain aspects of auditing. Certain general concepts which may be applicable in all aspects of an audit is discussed. Published by City University of Hong Kong Press. 香港城市大學出版社出版。
Hong Kong Auditing
Hong Kong Auditing
A Guide to Understanding Auditing and Assurance: Hong Kong Listed Companies
Supplement to Hong Kong Auditing
Hong Kong Auditing: Economic Theory & Practice
The Accounting Profession in Hong Kong
Auditing and Assurance in Hong Kong
Auditing and Assurance in Hong Kong
Further, this edition has been thoroughly revised to present a current coverage of the auditing environment: the increased focus on professional ethics and ethical competence, governance and professional independence, changes in legal ...
Financial Reporting in Hong Kong