The return of Macao from the Portuguese administration to the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1999 marks the beginning of its transformation in the 21st century. Macao was confronted with various issues concerning then existing political system, economic downturn and gangland violence during the transition period. Beijing put Macao under the "One country, Two Systems" and implemented a wide variety of measures in order to restore its law and order as well as to recover its tourism dependent economy. Gradually, Macao transformed itself to "Las Vegas of the East". This volume of 18 essays highlights the key dimensions of Macao's remarkable "One country, Two Systems" actualisation experience in its first 15 years, and discusses how Macao transformed and what challenges it encountered during its post-handover transformation. The volume has several focuses. It first investigates the political and electoral issues in a critical manner─ post-handover Macao suffered from maladministration and limited democratization, and the chief executives selected lacked representativeness due to restricted public participation in the electoral process. Overall speaking, the government lacked legitimacy and popular support. From a socio-economic point of view, this book looks into the business model in running Macao's casinos and the emerging culture of mass participation and youth participation in political affairs. The education reformation and changes in civic identity of local Macao Chinese are also addressed. Finally, the volume looks into how post-handover Macao relates itself in the international politics affair.
This is a multidisciplinary assessment of the new regime and key issues, challenges, crises and opportunities confronting the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).
THE CHINESE OF MACAU A DECADE AFTER THE HANDOVER is an important contribution to the study of identity, a fundamental topic in the twenty-first as in the latter part of the twentieth century.
This book outlines the major social and political changes in the city of Macau during its first 20 years under the "One Country, Two Systems" arrangement with Mainland China.
37; and “Xianggang de gao guan wenze zhi jiqi dui Aomen zhengzhi gaige de qishi” (The responsibility system of the higher officials in Hong Kong and the implication of the practice for Macau's political reform), in Herbert Yee (Yu Zhen) ...
13. Walking a Tight Rope: Hong Kong's Media Facing Political and Economic Challenges Since Sovereignty Transfer -- 14. Postcolonial Cultural Trends in Hong Kong: Imagining the Local, the National, and...
This book traces the transformation of Shunde, a city in China's Guangdong Province, from a historically agricultural county to a bustling manufacturing hub cum liveable city, in the past 41 years since the reform and opening-up of China in ...
His most recent books, all published in 2008, are: Political Change in Macao, The Dynamics of Beijing–Hong Kong Relations: A Model for Taiwan? and The Politics of Cross-Border Crime in Greater China: Case Studies of Mainland China, ...
Perry Link China's “ Core ” Problem C HINA HAS BEEN EXPERIENCING an economic boom in recent years . During most of the 1980s , as markets advanced and central planning retreated , the gross national product grew 9 to 10 percent annually ...
While one may still prefer to believe in the mysteries of “one country, two systems,” the experience over the last five years has called for some deeper soul-searching in Hong Kong. CONCLUSION: RESHAPING "ONE COUNTRY, TWO SYSTEMS" The ...
On December 20, 1999, Portugal was formally handed over Macau to China, ending 442 years of Portuguese control of the tiny peninsula and two small islands. Though comprised of just...