A study that details the six basic conditions which, if met, enables an army and its country to fight and win the war against terrorism. It also includes : examining the factors that can help drive a wedge between the local population and the insurgent forces, analyzing the principles of war in terms of their applicability to asymmetric warfare and finally, a warning against incorrectly concluding that there is no real military option against terrorist insurgencies.
Methodology -- Unlawful violence against political rivals in Gaza -- Legal standards -- Recommendations.
Les femmes et les enfants jusqu'à l'âge de la puberté n'ont pas cette obligation . Cependant , si cela devient une nécessité absolue lorsque l'Islam est menacé , les femmes et les enfants peuvent prendre part à la guerre .
Aborde les différentes manières de photographier la Palestine, en quatre parties : de l'invention de la photographie à la Première Guerre mondiale, la représentation d'un peuple en instance d'absence de 1917 à 1947, le rapport à l ...
Israel has seen many events since its founding in 1948 but peace it has not found. The book examines current issues swirling about Israel as well as presents the historical background necessary for grasping its place in the world today.