Hekhan hem ha-burganim ha-hem?: toldot ha-burganut ha-Yisreʾelit [Where are Those Bourgeois People?: The History of the Israeli Bourgeoisie]. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. Bitan, Dan. 1997. “'On sagi poreah': mitosim shel gevurah lohemet ...
“Le—Toldot ha—Moshava ha—Amerika'it ve—Tsalameha” (The American colony and its photographers). In Sefer Zev Vilnay (Zev Vilnay: ... Shvuya ba—Haloma:Mitosim ba—Tarbutha—Yisra'elit (Captive ofa dream: National myths in Israeli culture).
Toldot ha-itonut ha-ivrit be-eretz Israel [History of the Hebrew press in Eretz Israel]. ... Mavo: Nochekhut u-mitosim ba-yahadut, ba-zionut u-va-israeliyut [Introduction: The presence of myth in Judaism, Zionism and Israeliness].
Praise for the Israeli edition of White City, Black City “A path-breaking and brilliant analysis.” —Eyal Weizman, author of Hollow Land “A challenging book that deserves to be read and argued.” —Tom Segev, Haaretz
954 source for the concept of election of the people : The Jews were the Chosen People , singled out not to ... led Ahad Ha - Am to develop his own special interpretation of Jewish History : “ The secret of the survival of our people is ...
6 William Ralph Inge, Christian Mysticism: Considered in Eight Lectures Delivered before the University of Oxford (London: Methuen, 1899, Appendix A), p. 339 (my emphasis in italics). Scholem refers to this appendix in his Major Trends ...
Without pronounced commitment to one or another of the parties involved, scholars distinguished in the fields of political science, history, sociology, and law reexamine, in this volume, the history and...
This book explains why the best way to understand the Jewish historical experience is to look at Jewish people, not just as a religious or ethnic group or a nation or _people,_ but, as bearers of civilization.
Catalog of the Hebrew collection of the Harvard College Library: Author
This collection brings together political, personal and literary essays by Israel s most celebrated living writer.