In our frantic, fast paced society, we need constant guidance to remind us that we can only find the peace of mind we sorely lack by looking inward. Judaism, like many other spiritual traditions, offers a unique path to cultivating fulfillment and presence of mind. In cultivating peace of mind, we do not aim to achieve transcendence. Rather, our goal is to enter fully into whatever is occurring in our lives and meet it with full presence. But being a better Jew and a happier person are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, they are mutually interdependent. From the moment we wake to the moment we fall asleep, biblical commandments provide us with guidelines that encourage us to be aware of the present moment. A Guide to Jewish Mindfulness provides concise and clear instructions on how to cultivate peace of mind in order to attain a life of greater commitment and inspiration for the present moment.
"This is an excellent book that explains spiritual principles and how to carry them into everyday life .
In our frantic, fast paced society, we need constant guidance to remind us that we can only find the peace of mind we sorely lack by looking inward.
Dallas Willard explores what it means to live well now in light of God's kingdom. This book is adapted from the talks given at the February 2013 Dallas Willard Center "Knowing Christ Today" conference.
In an age of distraction and fragmentation this book uses Jewish wisdom, coupled with secular approaches in an integrated manner that serves as a road map to living life with greater awareness, purpose, and ability to live more fully in the ...
I have many good friends who have transformed themselves according to the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). They are good examples of a system that can help people improve their lives. Sometimes, however, people have intimated that ...
This book maps out a thirty-day spiritual journey based on the classic work of Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God. Discover how Brother Lawrence's insights can guide you in the midst of the hectic pace of your life.
It's hard to discern God's presence amid the hubbub of modern life.
Don’t waste your time consuming what makes you weak.
Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus by savoring the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever. Textured gray Leathersoft cover.
That is what this book sets out to do: to reconstruct some crucial chapters in the history of thought about such reflections in Western Europe, and to offer some building blocks towards a theoretical account of such responses, drawing on ...