Pengambilan ubat - ubatan tertentu juga berkait rapat dengan peningkatan atau penurunan risiko kecederaan di kalangan atlet ( Cox , 1998 ) . Ubat yang diambil atau yang digunakan oleh atlet boleh mempengaruhi respons stres serta ...
The infiuence of perceived risk on internet shopping behavior: A multidimensional perspective. ... A trust-based consumer decision-making model in electronic commerce: The role of trust, perceived risk, and their antecedents.
Psikologi sukan: aplikasi teori dan praktikal
... dalam buku ini dilengkapi dengan panduan mengaplikasi SOP-SOP dan prosedur yang digali daripada hadis dan sirah Nabi ... sukan, kelab hobi, persatuan profesional, jabatan kerajaan, institusi pendidikan, pekerja ataupun syarikat dapat ...
Study and teaching of Malay language with relation to literature.
This book is a valuable resource for instructors, researchers, scholars, theorists, and graduate students in communication studies and social psychology.
Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications shows how concepts supported by current scientific research can be used to address issues and situations encountered everyday by physical activity specialists, coaches, athletic trainers, and ...
Agile isn't a goal in itself; it's a means to becoming a high-performance operation. Doing Agile Right is a must-have guide for any company trying to make the transition--or trying to sustain high agility.
This is a second edition of the successful textbook which provides the reader with the background information necessary to develop an understanding of the nature of soft tissue injuries, sustained...
This book offers a solid foundation of management concepts, skills, and techniques that enable students to develop and test the leadership, decision-making, and problem-solving required for their role in the profession of physical education ...
From The Biggest To The Smallest, What Adaptations Sharks Have Made To Remain On Earth For So Long, Scientific Research And Medicinal Contributions The Shark Has Made Are All Discussed, As Well As Their Unique Ability To Hunt And Survive.