Billett , S. McKavanagh , B. F. & Hayes , S. ( 1999 ) , “ The CBT decade : Teaching for flexibility and adaptability ' , NCVER , Adelaide . Blaug , M. ( 1972 ) An introduction to the economics of education . Penguin , Harmondsworth .
This book radically counters the optimism sparked by Competence Based Education and Training, an educational philosophy that has re-emerged in Schooling, Vocational and Higher Education in the last decade.
In particular , the level and comparative worth of work traditionally done by women has tended to be undervalued ( TAFE Labour Market Issues , 20 ; K Barnett 1993 ) . The technical complexity or level of responsibility of the work of ...
Competency Based Education and Training
TechTrends, 57(5),47–54. doi:10.1007/s11528-013-0691-8 Holland, K. (2015, June 15). ... W., & Bailey, T. (2013). National Center for Education Statistics projections of education statistics to 2021: Fortieth edition.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety. doi:10.1016/j.ress.2015.03.008. Berthod, O., M. Grothe-Hammer and J. Sydow. 2015. Some characteristics of high-reliability networks. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 23(1): 24–8.
Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Teaching and Learning
Vocational and professional education and training and especially companybased apprenticeship programmes can facilitate the transfer of skills, if they build on situated learning in real-life work situations, and activate deep learning.
This book considers critically the many issues that are raised by CBE/T, and provides practical advice on its appropriateness and application to educational and training programs.
Competency-Based Education for Professional Psychology presents the most up-to-date, research-based model for education in professional psychology. The volume is divided into four parts. Part I presents an overview of the...
How might it be brought about? These questions have inspired an influential international reflection on “Innovative Learning Environments” (ILE) led by the OECD.