... noviembre [ 1 ] Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme Galerie Beaux - Arts • André Breton y Paul Éluard París , enero 1 ... Whitlaw - Reid Mansion • André Breton y Marcel Duchamp Nueva York , octubre [ 1 ] 1934 1938 Colectiva de ...
This reprinted volume, originally published in 2000 on the occasion of the first major exhibition of Varo's art in the United States hosted by the National Museum of Women in...
"The adventures that fill the strange and wonderful paintings by Remedios Varo (1908-1963) reflect the physical and psychological journeys of her own tumultuous life. Raised in a strict Spanish family...
“The alchemists,” wrote Dennis William Hauck, saw the process of bringing the soul and spirit together “as one of passionate lovemaking driven by the desires of archetypal masculine and feminine forces” (1999: 213).
Además de hacer un estudio iconológico profundo de la obra de la artista del siglo xx, Remedios Varo, este libro busca aclarar algunas suposiciones apresuradas -interpretaciones inexactas- que deambulan en torno a su obra plástica.
The book reproduces the main works of the exhibition created between 1938 and 1963 and focuses on the production of the artist during her exile in Mexico, beginning in 1942.
In 1941, Remedios Varo Uranga de Lizarraga arrived at Veracruz in the company of the French surrealist poet Benjamin Péret, as part of an unprecedented wave of refugees from the former Spanish Republic.
Surreal Friends brings together for the first time the works of three women surrealist artists. friends in exile in Mesico in the 1910s: British painter Leonora Carrington. Spanish painter Remedios...
Recompilation of narrative texts written by artist Varo (b. Spain 1908 - d. Mexico, 1963) describing her life, passions and art and illustrated with various images of her paintings.
Viajes inesperados: el arte y la vida de Remedios Varo
Catalogue raisonné