D. Enrique Aznar Mendoza , Rector de la Universidad : ( caricatura ) . Angelo , Jean . No. 021 , pp . 024 , 1943 . Aznar Mendoza , Enrique . 1146 Las nuevas autoridades universitarias . No. 008 , pp . 003-005 , 1942 . Yucatán . UDY .
Pasados siete años , la Universidad inició la publicación de la revista Orbe , bajo la dirección del joven Abog . Jaime Orosa Díaz . La nueva revista cultural llenó el vacío que dejó la supresión del Boletín .
Bibliography of Latin American and Caribbean Bibliographies
Social Sciences and Humanities Arthur E. Gropp, Lionel V. Loro-A. Latin American Bibliographies , 1980-1984 : Social Sciences and Humanities LIONEL V. LOROÑA Editor ( Supplement No. 4 to Arthur E. Gropp's A Bibliography of Latin ...
The Romans
Diccionario enciclopédico de las letras de América Latina: O-Z
A Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies, 1975-1979: Social Sciences and Humanities
Views from one of the most original cultural critics of the twentieth century, Walter Benjamin
Traductora: Elinor Randall. / First volume of the 4-book collection of the first bilingual edition of The Golden Age, by José Martí, with the original illustrations. Translator: Elinor Randall.
Articles explore the innovations in the physical evolution of the book, as well as the growth and development of a broad-based reading public.
Essays explore the influence of art in twentieth-century American culture, including jazz, basketball, professional wrestling, magic, gambling, entrepreneurship, series television and automotive design