Maize is one of five major crops grown in the uplands of Thailand, along with rice, cassava, sugar cane, and rubber trees. Government-promoted crop diversification, increased population growth, improved transportation networks, inter national trade, expansion of upland farming areas, and increased demand for grains from the domestic livestock and poultry industry stimulated Thailand’s maize production beginning in the 1980s. However, Thailand’s domestic maize supply is currently not sufficient to meet the needs of its in-country demands, and small quantities have to be imported. This study characterized the social and biophysical maize production environment of Thailand; examined its response to increasing maize demand; determined constraints to future productivity growth; indicated the potential environmental consequences, and examined the options available for promoting sustainable growth in maize production.
HECKEweldeR, John 1876 History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations. (Ed. by W. C. Reichel.) Mem. Hist. Soc, Pa., 12. Hewitt, J. N. B. 1918 Seneca Fiction, Legends, and Myths. Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., 32.
ET 2002 ASEFA-1 Asefa Taa, D G Tanner* and ATP Bennie. ... Crop Science J. 10 67-79 With Kulumsa Research Centre EARO, Asella ET and University of the Free State, Bloemfontein ZA ET 2002 ASEFA-2 Asefa Taa, D Tanner* and ATP Bennie.
Checklist of Journal Articles from CIMMYT and Its Collaborators, 1966-1999
Prentice Hall of India Ltd. New Delhi. Kadke, J. R. 1965. Hastening decomposion of incorporated green manure. India J. Agron. 10:443-446. Khan, A.R. and B. P. Mathur, 1957. Effect of sunhemp as green manure on the yield of wheat.
Implications for Market Efficiency Meyra Sebello Mendoza, Mark W. Rosegrant. RESEARCH REPORT . 101 PRICING BEHAVIOR IN PHILIPPINE CORN MARKETS: IMPLICATIONS FOR MARKET EFFICIENCY Meyra Sebello Mendoza Mark W. Rosegrant INTERNATIONAL ...
Learn about all corn inn agriculture.
Los maíces nativos de la Sierra de Santa Marta: guía para su identificación en campo
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7 Band 8 Band 9 Band 10 Band 11 Band 12 Band 13 Band 14 Band 15 Theorie in der Ökologie Herausgegeben von Broder Breckling Broder Breckling / Felix Müller ( Hrsg . ) : Der Ökologische ...
Breeding programs for improving crop resistance to water stress . In Crop Reactions to Water and Temperature Stress in Humid , Temperate Climates , C.D. Raper , Jr. , and P.J. Kramer , eds . Westview Press , Boulder , Colorado , USA .
Rice-maize (R-M) cropping systems have emerged in recent years on 3.5 million hectares in Asia in response to the increasing demand from a rapidly expanding human population for rice and livestock products.