Remember the I-Hotel Montalban, Paolo Montano, Severino Arena Theater Ladies and the Senator, The Sabina Moon Crane Theatre Company Moonlight Serenaders Moore, Pony Moreno, Virginia Bayaning Huwad [Straw Patriot] moro-moro Mu Performing ...
Palabas: Essays on Philippine Theater History
Within the pages of this book, Walk with Me to Chimayó, a Memoir by Ascensión J. Martínez of Chimayó, the author describes the Chimayó of his youth when the rest of the country had yet made few inroads into one of this nation's oldest ...
Contemporary Theater Arts: Asia and the United States
This publication encompasses 25 years of Tanghalang Pilipino's existence.
That body is whole because it is a thinking ( Mabel Todd's ) and conceptualizing body . ... Both processes have to deal with the idea of beauty in dance ...
CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art: Philippine theater
"A collection of essays, this book attempts to continue the conversation on theater and performance studies in the context of Philippine scholarship. In the discussions, the trope of entablado is...
CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art: Philippine theater