A.M. 218 Pantulu.V.R. 52,161,218 Park,B.H. 93,97 Park.J.S. 254,265 Parker, N. 231 Parry, G.D. 260,263 Pastor, N.I.S. 257 Patel.B. 305 Paulson, L.J. 222 Pauly.D. 16,120,135 Paw,J.N. 202,207 Pearson, H.W. 165 Pearson, T.H. 105 Pedersen, ...
This report is based on a review of literature and experience relating to the planning and management of aquaculture development and its integration into coastal area management.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 6 . References 1 World Food Summit , 1996. ... 2 FAO , 1988. Aspects of FAO's policies , programmes , budget and activities aimed at contributing to sustainable development .
A Brief for Fisheries Policy Research in Developing Countries
Elucidating his influential book, Ideas for Development, Robert Chambers (2005: 94) noted 'the tendency for local elites to capture projects and programmes and use them for their own benefit should indeed by recognised as a fact oflife' ...
This background note reviews current trends and projections of fish and seafood trade, and recent work undertaken to support implementation of the trade related activities of SDG 14, with a focus on the work of UNCTAD, FAO and UNEP.
Aquaculture and the Environment Second Edition T. V. R. Pillay The continuing rapid increases in aquaculture production world-wide raise fears of further environmental degradation of the aquatic environment.
Aquaculture is the commercial farming of aquatic food products. Provides a critical appraisal of the experiences of the last three decades in order to formulate and implement plans and strategies...
It is also an industry with major unresolved issues because of its negative impact on the environment. This book is a pioneering effort in the development of environmentally benign aquaculture methods.
Aimed at policy makers, planners, and scientists, this book provides a comprehensive frame of reference for orienting ideas and initiatives in this dynamic industry.
More than a how-to book, this volume introduces the researchers and institutions leading the development of aquaculture as it expands into new frontiers. This book was based on a special issue of the Journal of Applied Aquaculture.