Values Education on Human Sexuality: Grade 6: Home and Family Life (Our Home, Our Parents, Our Family)

Values Education on Human Sexuality: Grade 6: Home and Family Life (Our Home, Our Parents, Our Family)
Values Education on Human Sexuality
Global Creative Publishing House
Ma. Concha B. De La Cruz, Theresa Ma. B. Cortes, Charming May DA Guce


HOME AND FAMILY LIFE (FOR GRADE 6, THE AGE OF INNOCENCE) The book series is all about education in human sexuality, based on the nourishment and cultivation of the natural gift of a person’s character. The series is based on the premise that SEXUALITY EDUCATION is, basically, CHARACTER EDUCATION, which in turn is founded on human dignity and encompasses formation in moral standards and human conduct; hence, covering the key elements of “life and love, and everything in between”. Comprising an introductory volume for parents and teachers; a volume for classroom use of teachers; a volume for parents; and eight volumes for Grades 5 to 12, respectively, this current volume is specifically addressed to Grade 6 pupils, about 12 to 13 years of age in their pre- and early adolescence. It talks about HOME AND FAMILY LIFE: the key elements that comprise a home; the uniqueness of every home and family; the gift of children; and the contribution of each one in shaping a home and a family. The home is viewed as the first school of life; hence, the lynchpin of one’s education. The book series is characterized by sound, perennial concepts and by teaching and learning tools geared towards the age group being addressed.

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