Silent Boundaries: Cultural Constraints on Sickness and Diagnosis of Iranians in Israel
Other expressions to be heard in communications include Bismilah-el-raham er rahim (in the name of God, clement and merciful); El-hamdu lilah (praise to God), an expression of satisfaction; Allah u akbar (God is great); and Allah y jib ...
This book documents an instance of one of the most momentous social phenomena of the late twentieth century: the mass migration of the world's population from agricultural ex-colonies and ex-protectorates to the industrial world.
While retaining the wisdom of the previous editions, this new edition provides leading-edge insights into work culture and globalization.
Representations of the Exotic Peter Mason, Dr Peter Mata. a Preindustrial Metropolis to the European Experience . ... Sutton , P. C. 1984 “ Masters of Dutch Genre Painting . ” In Masters of Seventeenth - Century Dutch Genre Painting ...
Os autores, os antropólogos norte-americanos Sidney W. Mintz e Richard Price, acrescentam uma voz comedida ao debate sobre as raízes da cultura afro-americana.
Path analysis provides social science researchers with a powerful tool for conducting theory guided empirical studies with multiple variables.
Los constructores de los océanos
La rivière sans repos: roman ; précédé de Trois nouvelles esquimaudes