This book compares results from the experience of North-South and South-South moulds of integration. Thus, the impacts of these policies on growth, development, technological progress, poverty and inequality are analysed.
This book represents a historic sweep of Caribbean thought and personalities over the past 30 years drawn against the background of the changes in the international political economy.
This book is concerned with the impact of economic globalization and an unregulated global market system on the Caribbean economies. The book is in three parts.
Industrial Policy and Caribbean Development
This book compares results from the experience of North-South and South-South moulds of integration. Thus, the impacts of these policies on growth, development, technological progress, poverty and inequality are analysed.
The international response to opportunities and risks arising from globalization has been incomplete and uneven. But a proactive approach by a network of institutions could correct existing asymmetries and build...
When 34 There is a limited, but growing, literature on the impact of customs and other border agencies' reforms on trade and other economic outcomes (Fernandes, Hillberry, and Mendoza Alcántara, 2015 [for Albania]; Mendoza Alcántara, ...
First published in 1971, this is a study of the application of the economic theory of integration in developing countries attempts to assess the development of common markets and free trade areas in the contemporary developing world.
However, the history of economic ideas and their intricate relation to economic policies remains a relatively unexplored field in Latin American and Caribbean studies. This book is a valuable new contribution to this emerging literature.
This paper analyzes the impact of globalization on developing countries over the last several decades. The first section examines the components and mechanisms of globalization. The second turns to financial...