The natural heritage of the Great Lakes region endures despite intense population and industrial pressures. This guide features over 400 species of plants and animals in the region. It includes extensive natural history, including animal behavior, ecology and range of species and native uses. You'll also find color maps of the Great Lakes states--New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indian, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota--showing parks and natural areas. This handy companion for the amateur naturalist will deeply enrich his or her next outing.
Great Lakes Nature Guide
Great Lakes Nature Guide
Highlighting over 300 species of animals and plants, these beautifully illustrated guides include ecoregion maps that feature prominent wildlife-viewing areas and botanical sanctuaries.
New York : Harper & Row , 1965 . Conant , Roger . A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians : Eastern and Central North America . 2nd ed . Boston : Houghton Mifflin , 1975.1 Covell , Charles V. , Jr. A Field Guide to the Moths of Eastern ...
"This guide reviews familiar species found in nearshore habitats throughout the Great Lakes region.
Featuring a wide variety of nature-related games, quizzes, and activities, these engaging activity books encourage curious children to have fun while exploring nature, wildlife, and natural sciences.
The Great Lakes are home to an impressive variety of fish. The Guide to Great Lakes Fishes describes sixty-two of the region's most commonly found species, from giants like the...
A detailed look at the history, health, and management of the Great Lakes fishery
Whether you're on a nature hike or taking a stroll in your neighborhood, you'll want to take along a copy of this indispensable guide that features familiar species found in nearshore habitats throughout the Great Lakes region.
The Living Great Lakes: Searching for the Heart of the Inland Seas is the definitive book about the history, nature, and science of these remarkable lakes at the heart of North America.