An Ounce of Prevention - Especially for Women, though well-received, has created a clamour for a book that addressed male health concerns specifically. The discipline of writing a weekly column in the premier Jamaican daily newspaper, the Gleaner for over fifteen years has been very useful. It has caused me to focus on presenting a clear and practical message on specific issues of health and wellness in approximately a thousand words. This book, An Ounce of Prevention - Mainly for Men is a compilation of those messages with the male reader particularly in mind. Some important topics in the earlier book that apply to both men and women have been updated and presented along with new subjects in four sections titled: Healthy Ideas, Healing Agents, Danger Areas and Common Complaints. A fifth section - Male Issues - focuses exclusively on matters of relevance to men. Close to 100 subjects are covered in these five sections. Like the previous volumes, each chapter in this book can be read by itself in any order and it delivers a simple massage on that particular subject. Subject headings are in alphabetical order for easy access. References have been simplified and medical jargon kept to a minimum. The appendix and the useful references section provide support information.
An Ounce of Prevention: A Layman's Guide to the Prevention of Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, and Other Diseases
Ounce Of Prevention
An Ounce of Prevention
This book describes an analysis of the cost-effectiveness of model school-based drug prevention programs at reducing cocaine consumption. It compares prevention's cost-effectiveness with that of several enforcement programs and with...