Speed reading is the pave of the glorious 2‎

Speed reading is the pave of the glorious 2‎
Antiques & Collectibles
Ahmed Ragheb
Tr Ahmed Ragheb, أحمد راغب, الصحفية هبة أبوحميد


Introduction The introduction is a simple introductory tool to identify the axes contained in the material to help you understand and perceive the purpose of the topic. It also contributes a simplified picture of the material and makes you imagine the content and absorb the benefits that you will gain preliminary until you experience it yourself and enjoy reading. This book is a practical book for learning speed reading and is one of the books of the series “Speed Reading is the pave of the glorious”. This book is affiliated with the internationally registered curriculum “Speed reading based on balancing and stimulation of right and left brain hemispheres” Registered international curriculum as intellectual property rights under the following figures: Registered as an international standard No. #977178241X# Publishing Registration No. #20102657# Legally registered under the No. 20110918/88549 It is considered the first level in the beginners section. The curriculum is divided into three sections: 1-Beginers section. 2- Professional section. 3-Specialist Section. These sections can be for more detailed refer to the book “Speed Reading Question and Answer” Question No. 7 and Question No. 95. The structure of each practical day in the book: Practical skill: a practical training to clear the mind of distractions and prepare you for the daily reading. Values ​​of the glorious: Every day we take a value of the glorious​​ and its meaning. Goal of the Day: Here's what you'll gain in your day. Supporting Topics: This content varies from day to another depending on the purpose of the day. My advice to you today: This advice depends on the most important thing to be a glorious speed reader. One of the reasons for slow reading: You need to know what makes you slowdown in order to get rid of it. Deceived you by saying: They are some of the dicta that have been echoed in our ears and include misconceptions. The glorious skill: Here we talk about the glorious skills and how they can apply them within their lives. Quick information: we demonstrate Quick information unaware of many. Practical skill: is the practical application of the day. Learn a new language: In this section of each day you will learn a new letter from the hieroglyphic language to be able to read the letters at the end of the series. Stop: This is a stage where you should stop reading and return to it again before bed. Dessert of the day before bed: This is a very important stage to gain the habits of the glorious. Information of the Day: It is information about your latent strength within you to make a decision to be glorious and use this skill. What does each practical day contains? Each day is divided into several sections as we mentioned, but below we will focus on the practical skill of speed reading and skills of the glorious. The First day: The first day focuses on a simple definition of speed reading skill, as well as the definition of writing. It also puts you at the beginning of the glorious path and teaches you their values ​​and goals. On this day you will learn about your reading speed. This is in addition to learning the first important skill in speed reading which is Mind clearing. The Second day: It is the beginning of the journey of the glorious; the day will take you through the training systematically to climb the first steps of speed reading pave of the glorious. You will get to know the glorious up close and discover a lot about their habits. Here we highlight the way the eyes work, their movement, and how they pick up words and objects in general. As well as learning a simple eye exercise that helps you feel comfortable when you are tired. This day features the first actual applications of Speed reading by balancing and stimulation of right and left brain hemispheres, such as the Eye Saccades skill. The Third day: What is the field of vision and what is the scope of vision, and what are the limits of the eye vision for the average person and the speed reader, and can the scope of vision be expanded to 200 degrees? All theses and more you will know on this day. The Fourth day: How to get rid of boredom when you are reading? On this day, you will learn how to read with the pacer and how it will affect your reading speed. You'll also be able to determine your reading speed with the provided quiz and you'll see the difference yourself. The Fifth day: On this day, you will realize the importance of goals, how to set them, and have a great experience with mind programming on the glorious journey. This is in addition to knowing the correct way to nourish the nervous system and important tips to work in the best possible way. The Sixth day: Today will be a special day on your path in the glorious journey, it will encourage you to be diligent in seeking knowledge and learning skill, the day will demonstrate group of excises to perfect the speed reading skill. Be aware that the more you excise the more skill you have. The Seventh day: This day will take you on a tour about goals, their definition and types. Also teaches you how to make the most of any book you intend to read. You will learn how to set goals for the material you are reading, as well as some important criteria that will benefit you tremendously when buying books. The Eighth day: How to achieve your dream and reach the speed required in speed reading. You will learn the secrets of reaching the desired speed that will make you feel good about yourself, and learn a great way to calculate your reading speed in general in any text you read, in addition to various practical exercises that will raise your skill significantly and make you rise in the path of the glorious. The Ninth day: This day focuses on success, fame and the difference between them, and tends to the importance of real training. It gives you a lot of information and tips to help you choose your teacher or the person from whom you will learn, the day will highlight the importance of patience and not to rush, and you will discover the secret of speed learning. The Tenth Day: How to get rid of internal sound or internal repetition while reading? This day will answer you in detail and solve the problem that makes you slowdown in speed reading. You will learn about comprehension and this day will offer you a comparison between verbal reading and silent reading, and the choice will definitely be yours according to your goal. The Eleventh Day: It addresses the memory and how it works, and the problem facing us in remembering, you will learn the problem causes and discover the stages of information storage and types of memory and how to develop and improve. You will write your journey with the glorious and your training in this book. The Twelfth day: You will reap the rewards of your first glorious journey on this day. Success capsules will also be awarded to continue on the path of the glorious you have begun, certainly you will notice the great difference in the way you apply the skill, and in the way you think in general, the path of the glorious must be distinctive and will affect those who behave in a positive way. The thirteenth day: This day aims to focus on your continuity in the path of the glorious; it serves as an organizational and complementary tool in your path of achievement, to sharpen your skill. Scientific recommendations chapter: It serves as messages for those who are interested in science, and will build a lot of principles within you and will make you aware of many facts around you. These are simple recommendations, which have a profound impact on oneself. It will help you to rethink many science-specific matters, and encourage you to be the source to verify honesty. Tests chapter: The completion of the days of training in the book does not mean the end of your trip but it is the beginning, because it will continue with us in the tests chapter, which will play a big role in raising your skill. Any skill develops by training and fades by not training, so these tests will be your companion and will help you continue on the path of the glorious. Be sure to pass them, and don't forget to measure your speed and comprehension from time to time to encourage yourself to always develop. ***

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