Historia de la lin- güística en Venezuela . San Cristóbal : Universidad Católica del Táchira . — 1999. Mitridates en Venezuela . Diccionarios , poliglotismo y lenguas indígenas en Julio C. Salas . Caracas : Fundación Julio César Salas ...
Intellectuals and Politics
A Better World: The Great Schism : Stalinism and the American Intellectuals
Tokoh-kunci Gerakan Islam Kontemporer
The Making of Frank Thompson Peter J. Conradi. made for the “long littleness of life”: but Conradi's moving portrait makes one Wish that he and We had at least had the chance to find out' David Crane, Spectator 'Peter Conradi handles ...
Su vecino de la derecha, don Alberto Gómez Giraldo, muerto a los 49 lleva el número 51.362 y a la izquierda, bajo el número que termina en cuatro yacen dos personas: William Durán Hayek, de 56, y doña Victoria Hayek de Durán, de 54.
In 1979 , Bill Moyers produced an excellent documentary for PBS on David Rockefeller's trip to the 1979 IMF meeting in Belgrade , Yugoslavia . Moyers took off from Westchester Airport in Rockefeller's Gulfstream II .
Through Portraits of four figures -- Charles Willson Peale, Hugh Henry Brackenridge, William Dunlap, and Noah Webster -- Joseph Ellis provides a unique perspective on the role of culture in post-Revolutionary America, both its high ...
For this portrait of Venice in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Lord Norwich has abandoned the historical approach, preferring to look at the city through the eyes of the most distinguished of its foreign visitors or residents.