Vibrational Mechanics: Nonlinear Dynamic Effects, General Approach, Applications

Vibrational Mechanics: Nonlinear Dynamic Effects, General Approach, Applications
Mathematics / Mathematical Analysis
World Scientific
Iliya I. Blekhman


"I think this new book has no real competitors. It should be of interest to university teachers and researchers in vibrations and mathematics, industrial vibration specialists and researchers, and university and company bookstores and libraries. It could even make up a textbook for one or more specialized courses in vibrations for graduate and postgraduate university classes".Jon Juel ThomsenTechnical University of Denmark"The monograph is highly descriptive and contains a great many of very vivid schematic diagrams demonstrating the impressive diversity of effects it reflects the author's superiority of understanding of the subject matter and his splendid teaching skills, and it is an outstanding, probably unrivalled work".ZAMM, 2001

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