"This book provides an authoritative and insightful commentary on the entire range of issues concerning trade marks and passing off in Singapore, including those generated by the Internet and social media.
This is a guide to product trade names, brands, and products names, with addresses of their manufacturers and distributors.
Hellfeld , § 24 Rn . 5 ; Keller , GRUR 1996 , 607 , 611 ; Ingerl / Rohnke , § 15 Rn . 28 ff .; so auch die Begründung zum Gesetz zur Reform des Markenrechts und zur Umsetzung der ersten Richtlinie 89 / 104 / EWG des Rates vom 21.12.1988 ...
Fundamentos de derecho de marcas
Obtaining, Using and Protecting Trademarks
Obtaining, Using, and Protecting Trademarks
Most importantly, A Trademark Guide for Entrepreneurs teaches the corporate officer, director or manager how to select and use effective trademarks that will stand out in over-crowded market areas, thereby increasing market share and profit ...
The goal of this book is to ground the reader in the law, policies, and theories of trademark law so that the reader can better understand the legal and economic role of trademarks and brands in a modern economy.This book is part of the ...
Markengesetz und Markenrecht ausgewählter ausländischer Staaten Friedrich L. Ekey, Achim Bender, Diethelm Klippel. ein . Die vom Hinterleger angegebene Einordnung unterliegt der Prüfung durch das Internationale Büro , das hierbei im ...
Ekey/Bender/Fuchs-Wissemann, Markenrecht