See also Behavioral strategies; Cultural context; Diabetes self-management education (DSME) acute complication ... See Physical activity Exogenous glucose, 108t Experiential learning, 76 Eye drops, steroid, 380 Eyes, 138,450–451.
Ben shu bao kuo wo dai chi sun zou chu gu du,Bin bin shang xue le,Bin bin fang wen ri ben,Yu wang you de jiao liu,Xun lian gu du zheng er tong de dian di ti hui deng nei rong.
本书帮你认识和对付体重问题, 糖尿病以及血糖与疾病之间的关系, 帮你了解自身健康状况.
刘完素(刘河间)《素问玄机原病式·火类》:“中风瘫痪者,非谓肝木之风实甚而卒中也,亦非外中于风尔,由乎将息失宜,而心火暴甚,肾水虚衰,不能制之,则阴虚阳实,而热气怫郁,心神昏冒,筋骨不用而卒倒无所知也。”2正气自虚。李东垣《医学发明·中风有三》:“故中风者 ...
將「情感交流」視為照護的主體,來自法國的奇跡照護法 一旦邁入照護,先讀這本書,能讓你的照護之路走得更加順利也充滿感恩 家庭照顧者、醫療、長照從業人員必讀 ...
茶疗功效解肌退热、生津止渴、止泻解酒、补充雌激素、调节内分泌,适用于风热引起的头痛、心血管疾病、高血糖、高血脂、女性更年期综合症。养生茶谱葛根茶材料:新鲜葛根30克,或制好的干葛根5~10克。做法:将葛根洗净切成薄片,放入保温杯内用沸水冲泡, ...
本书依据二十四节气来划分章节,分别从“春生”“夏长”“秋收”“冬藏”来讲述中医调养方法,并从节令特点、养生要领、节令衣着、起居须知、节令养生食谱、节令美食、节令 ...
J Gerontol Soc Sci 1998 ; 53b ( 4 ) : S218 - S227 . National Long Term Care Survey . Press Release . ... J Gerontol Soc Sci 1997 ; 52 ( 6 ) : S336 - S344 . Petrisek AC , et al . ... Soldo BJ , et al . Asset and health dynamics among the ...
Vinny DeMarco might be a latter-day Don Quixote except that he tilts his lance at real obstacles to social justice: lobby-locked state legislatures and Congress, stonewalling the public will. And...
Given this culture of deference, it is not surprising to find that with respect to the three patients appropriate for hospice (A, B, and C), Kay may be more inclined to attempt to persuade the staff physicians who express doubt about ...