This book reflects the state of the art in nonlinear economic dynamics, providing a broad overview of dynamic economic models at different levels. The wide variety of approaches ranges from theoretical and simulation analysis to methodological study. In particular, it examines the local and global asymptotical behavior of both macro- and micro- level mathematical models, theoretically as well as using simulation. It also focuses on systems with one or more time delays for which new methodology has to be developed to investigate their asymptotic properties. The book offers a comprehensive summary of the existing methodology with extensions to the more complex model variants, since considerations on bounded rationality of complex economic behavior provide the foundation underlying choice-theoretic and policy-oriented studies of macro behavior, which impact the real macro economy. It includes 13 chapters addressing traditional models such as monopoly, duopoly and oligopoly in microeconomics and Keynesian, Goodwinian, and Kaldor–Kaleckian models in macroeconomics. Each chapter presents new aspects of these traditional models that have never been seen before. This work renews the past wisdom and reveals tomorrow's knowledge.
Essays in Economic Dynamics
In this book, a conceptual framework is developed for the analysis of the
Essays in Linear Economic Structures
This volume arises out of a conference to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the publication of his book The Trade Cycle in 1936.
This book is a collection of his pathbreaking articles on the application of cellular automata and complexity theory to economic problems.
Handbook of mathematical functions, with formulas, graphs and mathematical tables (10th ed.). ... The Kontorovich-Lebedev integral transformationwith a Hankel function kernel in a space of generalized functions of doubly exponential ...
Since the publication of Keynes' General Theory there has been a steady increase in interest in dynamics. With it has only recently come the realization that linear dynamics are very...
The loss of this extremely productive economist has been an enormous shock to the economic profession. This volume has emerged from the great desire on the part of the profession to honor his contributions to economic research.
The theory of oligopoly with multi-product firms. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. Szidarovszky, F., & Yakowitz, S. (1977). A new proof of the existence and uniqueness of the Cournot equilibrium. International Economic Review, 18, 787–789.
A collection of papers dealing with a broad range of topics in mathematical economics, game theory and economic dynamics. The contributions present both theoretical and applied research. The volume is dedicated to Mordecai Kurz.