This book is about resistance in everyday life, illustrated through empirical contexts from different parts of the world. Resistance is a widespread phenomenon in biological, social and psychological domains of human cultural development. Yet, it is not well articulated in the academic literature and, when it is, resistance is most often considered counter-productive. Simple evaluations of resistance as positive or negative are avoided in this volume; instead it is conceptualised as a vital process for human development and well-being. While resistance is usually treated as an extraordinary occurrence, the focus here is on everyday resistance as an intentional process where new meaning constructions emerge in thinking, feeling, acting or simply living with others. Resistance is thus conceived as a meaning-making activity that operates at the intersection of personal and collective systems. The contributors deal with strategies for handling dissent by individuals or groups, specifically dissent through resistance. Resistance can be a location of intense personal, interpersonal and cultural negotiation, and that is the primary reason for interest in this phenomenon. Ordinary life events contain innumerable instances of agency and resistance. This volume discusses their manifestations, and it is therefore of interest for academics and researchers of cultural psychology, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, and human development.
The book critically examines the impact that DIY punk has had on both individuals and communities, and offers chapter-length investigations of two important aspects of DIY punk culture: independent record labels and self-published zines.
From sexual fantasies to holidays this marvellous book charts our escape attempts.
From sexual fantasies to holidays this marvellous book charts our escape attempts.
These are applied to diverse empirical cases including queer relationships in the context of heteronormativity, Palestinian daily life under military occupation, workplace behaviors under office surveillance, and the tactics of fat ...
... New York , NY 10001 © 1976 , 1992 Stanley Cohen and Laurie Taylor Typeset by Input Typesetting Ltd , London Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group Transferred to Digital Printing 2002 All rights reserved .
Documents of Chief Rabbi Joseph Zvi Carlebach, 1939-1941.
Based on the fieldwork in a central prison in Kolkata, India.
... art and printing supplies, and books) for use by the collective's members and constituents.2 An excommunicated reverend along with a former guerrilla with the Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (Farabundo Martí National ...
These essays are part of a larger effort to understand the history of subordination in India. They focus on peasants and urban laborers, courtesans and merchants, sometimes employing unconventional sources and methods.
Global Punk: Resistance and Rebellion in Everyday Life