This is the first book to comprehensively examine the asymptotic behavior of dynamic monopolies, duopolies, and oligopolies where firms face information and implementation delays. It considers discrete and continuous timescales, continuously distributed delays, as well as single and multiple delays. It also discusses models with linear and hyperbolic price functions in three types of oligopolies: Cournot competition with quantity-adjusting firms, Bertrand competition with price-adjusting firms, and mixed oligopolies with both types of firms. In addition to the traditional Cournot-Nash equilibria, it introduces cases of partial cooperation are also introduced, leading to the analysis of cartelizing groups of firms and possible governmental actions against antitrust behavior. Further, the book investigates special processes for firms learning about the uncertain price function based on repeated market information. It addresses asymptotic properties of the associated dynamic systems, derives stability conditions, identifies stability switching curves, and presents in global analyses of cases of instability. The book includes both theoretical results and computer studies to illustrate and verify the theoretical findings.
Cournot Oligopoly Models with Time Delays
Handbook of mathematical functions, with formulas, graphs and mathematical tables (10th ed.). ... The Kontorovich-Lebedev integral transformationwith a Hankel function kernel in a space of generalized functions of doubly exponential ...
The theory of oligopoly with multi-product firms. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. Szidarovszky, F., & Yakowitz, S. (1977). A new proof of the existence and uniqueness of the Cournot equilibrium. International Economic Review, 18, 787–789.
Unlike Un1ike many conference proceedings, this volume contains only on1y invited invited contribu contribu tions tions on specified topics so as to make the book coherent and self-contained.
The theory of oligopoly with multi-product firms. Berlin/New York: Springer. Santarelli, F., & Sterlacchini, A. (1990). Innovation, formal vs. informal R and D and Firm size: Some evidence from italian manufacturing firms.
Labor-managed Cournot oligopoly and industry output: A comment. ... The stability of the Cournot oligopoly solution: A further generalization. Journal of Economic Studies, ... The theory of oligopoly with multi-product firms (2nd ed.).
Environment and Development Economics, 9, 1–22. Antoci, A., Galeotti, M., & Rossu, P. (2005). Consumption of private goods as substitutes for environmental goods in an economic growth model. Nonlinear Anal-Model Control, 10, 3–34.
This work renews the past wisdom and reveals tomorrow's knowledge. This book reflects the state of the art in nonlinear economic dynamics, providing a broad overview of dynamic economic models at different levels.
Regaining the Productive Edge, The MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity, Cambridge (Mass.) ... [28] DUNNING J.H. - CANTwell J.: IRM Directory of Statistics of International Investment and Production, London, MacMillan, 1987.
This book reviews the applications of these approaches in various subdisciplines of economics and draws upon past economic thinkers to develop an integrated view of economics as a whole from the perspective of inherent discontinuity.