This two-volume book offers a comprehensive guide to anesthetic management and critical care management in neurosurgical and neurological patients. This second volume focuses on neurocritical care. The book begins with basic information on the principles of neurocritical care. Management of various neurological problems such as myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, epilepsy, stroke and many more are discussed in detail. Subsequent sections address nursing care, physiotherapy and psychological care, issues related to brain death and organ donation, and common complications observed in neurological patients during their ICS stays. Each complication is discussed in detail, guiding readers in their clinical practice. In turn, the book’s closing chapters cover e.g. the role of hypothermia and evidence-based practice. The book offers a valuable resource for all residents, fellows and trainees in the fields of neurointensive care and critical care; it will also benefit intensivists and neurocritical care experts.
This two-volume book offers a comprehensive guide to anesthetic management and critical care management in neurosurgical and neurological patients. This first volume focuses on neuroanesthesia.
This two-volume book offers a comprehensive guide to anesthetic management and critical care management in neurosurgical and neurological patients. This second volume focuses on neurocritical care.
Best clinical practice is described in detail throughout. It is an essential, one-stop review of modern neuroanaesthesia and neurocritical care for anaesthetists, intensivists and surgeons at all levels of practice.
Undoubtedly, this book will be of enormous benefits to the students as well as teachers of neuroanesthesia and neurocritical care sub-specialties.
It includes a separate section on special considerations in neurocritical care. The book includes ample figures, flowcharts and algorithms.
This book presents a student-centric, problem-based approach to learning key issues in neuroanesthesia and neurocritical care, a concept that is gaining popularity and acceptance in the medical education field.
Essentials of Neuroanesthesia offers useful insights on the anesthetic management of neurosurgical and neurologic patients. This book covers all topics related to neuroanesthesia, providing essential knowledge on the brain and spinal cord.
This book focuses on controversial issues in neuroanesthesia and neurocritical care that in general have been subjected to insufficient professional scrutiny.
This book covers the diagnostic, imaging, surgical as well as anesthetic managements of all the neurosurgical problems in children.
This book is not an effort to embellish the shelf of a medical library; it is a practical bedside friend to be used to improve the neurological outcomes of those for whom we are honored to care: our patients.