This book addresses in detail a range of issues in connection with preparing individuals with disabilities or other special needs for gaining employment and planning a career path beyond school. It presents strategies for personnel preparation, parent education, effective programs for career development and transitions, policies and policy research, and useful tools for assessment and intervention. The clear explanations of essential theories, research findings, policies, and practices for career development ensure that readers gain a deeper understanding of all the issues involved. Most importantly, they will learn several strategies that can be used to prepare students for employment within global and Asia-Pacific regional contexts.
Discusses "labeling" and catagorizing those children who have learning problems.
This guide presents a collection of ideas for activities to encourage students and other individuals to explore careers in special education and related services. After a brief introduction, activities to...
They help those who have more severe disabilities learn basic literacy, math, social and independent living skills. These teachers work primarily in public and private schools.
Special education teachers make a difference in children's lives! This volume of Careers with Characters will show you how.
This guide assists in planning, designing, and implementing activities that increase people's awareness of careers in special education. It encourages practicing special education professionals to promote special education careers at...
Life Skills Instruction for All Students with Special Needs: A Practical Guide for Integrating Real-life Content Into the Curriculum
This guide was developed to assist in the recruitment of new professionals to the field of special education and related services. The 34 suggested activities are based on the assumptions...
The twenty-first century will need people to fill therapy jobs, especially in educational settings. If this is an area that appeals to you, it might be a good choice for your future.
Special education teachers must have respect and compassion to build children's self esteem, the responsibility to teach students the skills they need to move toward indepedence, the courage to stand up for those who have been rejected, and ...
Social Work Student with a Disability: A Narrative.” Social Work Education 31 (4): 422–434. Crosling, G., L. Thomas, and M. Headney, eds. 2008. Improving Student Retention in Higher Education. New York: Routledge Falmer.