Strategic rivalries are contests between states that view one another as threatening competitors and treat each other as enemies. A disproportionate amount of interstate conflict is generated by a relatively small number of these pairs of states engaged in rivalries that can persist for years. Thus, to understand interstate peace and conflict, it is useful to know how rivalries work in general and more specifically. In the past two decades, a strenuous effort has been mounted to introduce the concept of rivalry and demonstrate its utility in unraveling conflict situations. Yet all rivalries are not exactly alike. We need to move to a more rewarding differentiation of how they differ in general. Principal rivalries are those antagonisms that are most significant to the decision makers in a state. The main distinction on issues about which rivals dispute are positional and spatial concerns. Positional rivalries contend over regional and global influence. Spatial rivals contend over which state deserves to control disputed territory. Interventionary rivalries predominate in sub-Saharan Africa. Their primary focus involves neighboring states attempting to influence who rules and how co-ethnics are treated. This book updates the inventory of strategic rivalries from 1816 to 2020. Principal rivalries are identified for the first time and cover the same period. A theory stressing the two main types of rivalry (positional and spatial) is elaborated and tested. Regional variations on the origins and terminations of spatial rivalry are explored and interpreted. In addition, attention is paid to fluctuations in the intensity of positional rivalries by examining the working of the contemporary major power triangle (United States, Soviet Union/Russia, and China) and, more generally, the dynamics of regional power that are rising in terms of their relative capability and status in the system. Variations in cooperation and termination dynamics both in general and according to rivalry type are also examined. Overall, the emphases of the book are split between demonstrating the utility of distinguishing among rivalry types and examining selected rivalry dynamics.
... 1991; Kocs, 1995; Hensel, 1996; Senese, 1996; Gibler, 1997; Senese, Vasquez, and Henehan, 1998; Hensel and Sowers, 1998; Lemke and Reed, 1998; and Ben-Yehuda, 1998) introduce issue data from different data sets, but it is clear that ...
... building as well as the social roots of international politics, especially conflicts, rivalries, and regional orders. ... Colaresi and William R. Thompson; and How Rivalries End (2013), with Sumit Ganguly and William R. Thompson.
Featuring original essays by world-class historians--including Barry Strauss, Geoffrey Parker, Williamson Murray, and Geoffrey Wawro--this collection provides an in-depth look at how interstate relations develop into often violent rivalries ...
Constrained Capabilities, Hierarchy, and Rivalry William R. Thompson, Thomas J. Volgy, Paul Bezerra, Jacob Cramer, ... Sakuwa K, Suhas PH (2022) Analyzing strategic rivalries in world politics: types of rivalry, regional variation, ...
Alpo Rusi provides a broad vision of the strategic landscape for the coming century, warning against dangers inherent in the emerging world order.
Explains the origins and dynamics of enduring rivalries between countries
34 For an exception, see Dal Bo and Powell (2009). Their model focuses exclusively on economically valuable territory. 35 On the conceptual and operational differences between (un)settled borders and territorial claims, see Owsiak, ...
The studies presented in this book largely focus on East- and South-East Asian actors and problems, while studies of the situation in other global regions enrich the research by adding a global dimension to the study of regional ...
Scriptures, Shrines, Scapegoats, and World Politics offers a comprehensive evaluation of the role of religion in international relations, broadening the scope of investigation to such topics as the relationship between religion and ...
“Déjà Vu All Over Again: A Post–Cold War Empirical Analysis of Samuel Huntington's 'Clash of Civilizations' Teory.” Cooperation and Conflict 45, no. ... Strategic Rivalries in World Politics: Position, Space and Conflict Escalation.