The three-volume set CCIS 1467, CCIS 1468, and CCIS 1469 constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, LSMS 2021, and of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, ICSEE 2021, held in Hangzhou, China, in October 2021. The 159 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from over 430 submissions. The papers of this volume are organized in topical sections on: Medical Imaging and Analysis Using Intelligence Computing; Biomedical signal processing, imaging, visualization and surgical robotics; Computational method in taxonomy study and neural dynamics; Intelligent medical apparatus, clinical applications and intelligent design of biochips; Power and Energy Systems; Computational Intelligence in Utilization of Clean and Renewable Energy Resources, and Intelligent Modelling, Control and Supervision for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction; Intelligent Methods in Developing Electric Vehicles, Engines and Equipment; Intelligent Control Methods in Energy Infrastructure Development and Distributed Power Generation Systems; Intelligent Modeling, Simulation and Control of Power Electronics and Power Networks; Intelligent Techniques for Sustainable Energy and Green Built Environment, Water Treatment and Waste Management; Intelligent Robot and Simulation; Intelligent Data Processing, Analysis and Control in Complex Systems; Advanced Neural Network Theory and Algorithms; Advanced Computational Methods and Applications; Fuzzy, Neural, and Fuzzy-neuro Hybrids; Intelligent Modelling, Monitoring, and Control of Complex Nonlinear Systems; Intelligent manufacturing, autonomous systems, intelligent robotic systems; Computational Intelligence and Applications.
Dieses Lehrbuch, entstanden aus einer Anfängervorlesung aus dem Informatik-Studiengang an der Leibniz Universität Hannover, bietet einen ersten Einstieg in den Bereich der Komplexitätstheorie.
本书介绍的内容包括:计算机的各项指令存储在什么地方;什么是算法;我们的日常生活中有哪些事情可以利用算法来解决;如果计算机程序里有漏洞,会出现什么怪事 ...
Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing
This new text introduces basic concepts, definitions, theorems, and examples from graph theory.
"Builds on knowledge from a first course in computer programming using Python. Makes a transition from programming in Python to a data structures course and programming in C++"--Provided by publisher.
Applying Conformal Mapping to the Vertex Correspondence Problem for 3D Face Models
Thes book has three key features : fundamental data structures and algorithms; algorithm analysis in terms of Big-O running time in introducied early and applied throught; pytohn is used to facilitates the success in using and mastering ...
[5] P. Hansen, N. Mladenovic, and D. Perez-Britos. Variable neighborhood decomposition search. Journal of Heuristics, 7(4):1381–1231, 2001. [6] N. Mladenovic. A variable neighborhood algorithm - a new metaheuristic for combinatorial ...
Rake Receiver Performance in Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems Operating at High Data Rates [microform]
Introduction to Computer Science: An Algorithmic Approach