The impact of globalization of financial markets is a highly debated topic, particularly in recent months when the issue of globalization and contagion of financial distress has become a focus of intense policy debate. The papers in this volume provide an up-to-date overview of the key issues in this debate. While most of the contributions were prepared after the initial outbreak of the current global turmoil and financial crisis, they identify the relative strengths of the risk diversification and risk transmission processes and examine the empirical evidence to date. The book considers the relative roles of banks, nonbank financial institutions and capital markets in both risk diversification and risk transmission. It then evaluates the current status of crisis resolution in a global context, and speculates where to go from here in terms of understanding, resolution, prevention and public policy.
The papers in this volume provide an up-to-date overview of the key issues in this debate.
Crédit Suisse Group AG AXA Deutsche Bank AG Barclays PLC UBS AG T. Rowe Price T. Rowe Price Bear Stearns Figure 2.7. Networks of global corporate control. The graph on the left depicts corporate interlinkages of strongly connected ...
This book provides an up-to-date guide to managing Country Risk.
This peer-reviewed volume from the Society for the Study of Business and Finance, discusses current issues in globalization and financial system from an international political and economic perspective.
LiPuma and Lee provide a necessary look at the obscure but consequential role of financial derivatives in the global economy.
The book sets forth the economic rationale for international financial regulation and what role, if any, international regulation can play in effectively managing systemic risk while providing accountability to all affected nations.
This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of energy policy and security, and science and technology studies.
This important and timely two-volume collection presents the key issues and processes that surround recent large-scale financial crises - in Asia, Latin America, and elsewhere - and identifies procedures that...
WP/04/187, October. download/pdf/7187004.pdf Shaikh, A. (2009). “Bunalım Kuramlarının Tarihine Giris”. Dünya Kapitalizminin Krizi. (Der: Nail Satlıgan ve Sungur Savran). Belge Yayınları. 126-171. Siriner, İ. (2013).
This book discusses the risks and opportunities that arise in Emerging Asia given the context of a new environment in global liquidity and capital flows.