Takes a scholarly perspective aimed at creating debate about the role and function of public service broadcasting at a time that it is facing a variety of threats, from governments, and from commercialization of broadcasting. This book gives a global perspective on the state of public service broadcasting in the age of globalization.
With contributions from key scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, this volume examines the crisis facing public broadcasting in the US today by analyzing the institution's development, its present-day operations, and its prospects ...
This difficulty is illustrated vividly by the phenomenon of Rush Limbaugh's so-called 'ditto-heads' — callers to his show who preface their comments with the word 'ditto' to affirm agreement with his, or other callers', ...
Roe, K. and Meyer, G.de (2000) 'Music television: MTV-Europe' in J.Wieten, G.Murdock and P.Dahlgren (eds) Television Across Europe, London: Sage. Rogers, E. and Dearing, J. (1988) 'Agenda-setting research: where has it been and where is ...
While certain schools of thought view this trend as promoting cultural heterogeneity and the diversification of programme content, this book argues otherwise. It discusses the influence of globalization on Jamaica's television industry.
... Public Service Broadcasting, a Best Practices Sourcebook. Singapore: UNESCO and AMIC. Banarjee, I., & Seneviratne, K. (2006). Public Service Broadcasting in the Age of Globalization. Singapore: AMIC and NTU. Bardoel, J., & d'Haenens, L ...
... and Media european Commission, 24 May 2005, available at http://ec.europa.eu/avpolicy/docs/library/studies/finalised/4-5/27-03-finalreport.pdf; retrieved 12.04.2007. de Bens, e. (ed.) (2007) Media Between Culture and Commerce.
The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy offers insights into the boundaries of this field of study, assesses why it is important, who is affected, and with what political, economic, social and cultural consequences.
Television Studies after TV leads the way in developing new ways of understanding television in the post-broadcast era.
... Globalization and the Postcolonial World : The New Political Economy of Development , John Hopkins University Press ... Public Service Broadcasting ' in I. Banerjee , and K. Seneviratne ( eds . ) Public Service Broadcasting in the Age of ...
This book explores whether and how PSB should adapt to reflect the conditions of the digital media space so that it can effectively and efficiently continue to serve its public mandate.