Chaos Theory: Modeling, Simulation and Applications : Selected Papers from the 3rd Chaotic Modeling and Simulation Conference (CHAOS2010), Chania, Crete,...

Chaos Theory: Modeling, Simulation and Applications : Selected Papers from the 3rd Chaotic Modeling and Simulation Conference (CHAOS2010), Chania, Crete,...
Chaos Theory
World Scientific
Charilaos Skiadas, Ioannis Dimotikalis


Algorithmic sound composition using coupled cellular automata / Jaime Serquera and Eduardo R. Miranda -- Efficient large-scale forcing in finite-difference simulations of steady isotropic turbulence / Ryo Onishi, Yuya Baba and Keiko Takahashi -- Rendering statistical significance of information flow measures / Angeliki Papana and Dimitris Kugiumtzis. Complexity theory and physical unification : from microscopic to macroscopic level / G.P. Pavlos [und weitere] -- Regular variation, Paretian distributions, and the interplay of light and heavy tails in the fractality of asymptotic models / Dinis D. Pestana, Sandra M. Aleixo and J. Leonel Rocha -- Tools for investigation of dynamics of DC-DC converters within Matlab/Simulink / Dmitry Pikulin -- Chaos as compositional order / Eleri Angharad Pound -- Beta(p, q)-Cantor sets - determinism and randomness / J. Leonel Rocha, Sandra M. Aleixo and Dinis D. Pestana -- Predicting chaos with second method of Lyapunov / Vladimir B. Ryabov -- Analysis of homoclinic bifurcation in Duffing oscillator under two-frequency excitation : peculiarity of using Melnikov method in combination with averaging technique / Vladimir Ryabov and Kenta Fukushima -- Exploring life expectancy limits : first exit time modeling, parameter analysis and forecasts / Christos H. Skiadas and Charilaos Skiadas -- Composing chaotic music from the letter m / Anastasios D. Sotiropoulos -- On the timbre of chaotic algorithmic sounds / Dimitrios A. Sotiropoulos, Anastasios D. Sotiropoulos and Vaggelis D. Sotiropoulos -- The rainbow effect on composing chaotic algorithmic music / Vaggelis D. Sotiropoulos -- A highly chaotic attractor for a dual-channel single-attractor, private communication system / Banlue Srisuchinwong and Buncha Munmuangsaen -- Manifestation of chaos in collective models of nuclei / Pavel Stransky [und weitere] -- Importance of the chaos for computational processes of collective intelligence in social structures / Tadeusz (Ted) Szuba -- Complex signal generators based on capacitors and on piezoelectric loads / Horia-Nicolai L. Teodorescu and Victor P. Cojocaru -- Drift waves' synchronization by using an external signal. The stabilization of a chaotic plasma turbulence / C.L. Xaplanteris and E. Filippaki -- Chaos game technique as a tool for the analysis of natural geomorphological features / G. Zibret and T. Verbovsek -- Dynamics of a steel turning process / Grzegorz Litak and Rafal Rusinek

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