This book provides a self-contained presentation of the physical and mathematical laws governing complex systems. Complex systems arising in natural, engineering, environmental, life and social sciences are approached from a unifying point of view using an array of methodologies such as microscopic and macroscopic level formulations, deterministic and probabilistic tools, modeling and simulation. The book can be used as a textbook by graduate students, researchers and teachers in science, as well as non-experts who wish to have an overview of one of the most open, markedly interdisciplinary and fast-growing branches of present-day science.
The concept of bushes of modes and the group-theoretical methods for their investigation have been developed in the earlier 90th [1,5]. Later on, a research group, headed by Profs. D. Hatch and H. Stokes, from Brigham ...
Explores how complexity, a new way of thinking about the behaviour of interacting units, is transforming the way we think, and the assumptions that underlie conventional science.
Granice złożoności: poszukiwania porządku w chaotycznym świecie
"This conference was organized in response to the need to disseminate research gains made throughout the 1980's, to focus upon new applications of chaos, and to introduce both new and veteran researchers to the most current research and ...
The critical review of the existing results in the field of classical Melnikov method application and beyond allows to ... First, it has been strongly emphasized that the Melnikov's method belongs to the perturbational (asymptotic) ...
Caos: la creación de una ciencia
Chaos deterministyczny: nowa gra językowa
Using new science discoveries in quantum physics, class theory & biology to improve leadership, organizations & life.