"Reflecting the latest trends and issues, the new Europe, Middle East & Africa Edition of Business Marketing Management: B2B delivers comprehensive, cutting-edge coverage that equips students with a solid understanding of today's dynamic B2B market. The similarities and differences between consumer and business markets are clearly highlighted and there is an additional emphasis on automated B2B practices and the impact of the Internet."--Cengage website.
This book provides knowledge and skill-building training exercises in managing marketing decisions in business-to-business (B2B) contexts.
More selective, shorter, and easier to read than other B2B textbooks, this is ideal for introduction to B2B and shorter courses.
Business Marketing Management: A Strategic View of Industrial and Organizational Markets
Business Market Management (B2B): Understanding, Creating, and Delivering Value
Geoffrey Moore (1995) introduced the idea of the technology adoption lifecycle. Here, he showed that in the early stages of a market, technology enthusiasts and visionaries are willing to accept new technologies enthusiastically.
In this book, the authors analyze the best ways to help the poor manage risks such as health shocks, unemployment, sudden drops in income, and old age.
Although market followers will never become marketing leaders, they often have much the same profit levels since they do not have the expense of developing the markets (Haines et al. 1989). 4 Market nicher.
41 Gary L. Frazier , Robert E. Spekman , and Charles R. O'Neal , “ Just - in - Time Exchange Relationships in Industrial Markets , ” Journal of Marketing 52 ( October 1988 ) : 52–67 . 42 James R. Freeland , “ A Survey of Just - in ...
Business Marketing Management B2B
A fantastic addition to any library or course' - Dr Judy Zolkiewski, Senior Lecturer in Business-to-Business Marketing, Manchester Business School 'The advantage of the approach taken by Brennan and his colleagues is that this book manages ...