It was the 1950s, a tumultuous time for post-war Singapore. Disgruntled with the British ruling power, anti-colonial forces were calling for independence. The main contenders were the People’s Action Party (PAP) led by nationalist Lee Kuan Yew and the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) headed by Chin Peng. Displaying their political acumen, Lee and his team overcame all adversities to win the people’s mandate. Lee, who became Singapore’s first Prime Minister, orchestrated the movement to build a prosperous and peaceful Singapore. When he stepped down in 1990, he left behind an efficient government, world-class infrastructure, and a thriving economy. When he died in 2015, he left behind a shining Singapore as his legacy. The success story of Singapore as an independent nation is a saga worth telling and preserving for posterity. This book is an updated and revised edition of Days of Thunder: How Lee Kuan Yew Blazed the Freedom Trail (2005). It explores Lee’s leadership during Singapore’s early years and the question: Could Singapore have achieved as much without Lee Kuan Yew: the founding father of modern Singapore?
This book explores the leadership of Lee during Singapore's first 31 years.
Political genius is never without controversy, or without mystery. This is what makes it so interesting and so rare. Is Lee Kuan Yew the feral, authoritarian figure that Western critics claim?
This book examines the cultural concepts that guided the development of the “age of mankind”— the changes that took place in historical, philosophical, scientific, religious, literary, and artistic thought in the 20th century.
This book explores the underlying philosophies and values that inform the speech rules that a government or community institutes.
He had brought shame to Malaysia, which became known to the world as a kleptocracy. This book tells the epic story of how Malaysians took responsibility for their country and struggled against the odds to change their government.
Asia Yearbook
... as entrepreneur 105; hierarchy/networks 171–8; instinct 111; role 107–13; value-adding 126 Hurst, David 268, 272–8 hybridization 65–7 hyperationalism 213 hypertext organization 316, 333–7 Iacocca, Lee 158 IBM 20, ...
Account of college students of Singapore Management University.
This seminal book has been republished as a three-volume set by the iLLamanati.Volume 1 has the first eight of the 13 Top Illuminati bloodlines: Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, and Onassis.Volume 2 has the remaining ...
Reproduction of the original: Lion and Dragon in Northern China by Reginald Fleming Johnston