21 Older Persons and Health Psychology Margaret Gatz , Cynthia Pearson , and Wendy Weicker There has been surprisingly little recognition of the natural overlap between health psychology and the psychology of the adult development and ...
How does behavior contribute to wellness or illness? This comprehensive volume answers these questions and others with a state-of-the-art overview of theory, research, and practice at the interface of psychology and health.
More on prevention and/or interventions and treatment in the applications section. The book opens with the fields central theories including a "newer" stress theory that emphasizes the interaction of biological and social systems.
Kuhn, T. S. 19 Leventhal, H. 130, 316, 365, 368, Luukkonen, R. 285 Kumanyika, S. 142 369, 416, 422–3 Lux, L.213–14 Kumas-Tan, Z. 82 Levinson, W. 431 Lykes, M. B. 86 Kunesh, M.A. 231 Levy, B. 485 Lyles, C. 97 Kunreuther, H. 310 Lewin, ...
A comprehensive introduction to health psychology which covers both health enhancing and hazardous behaviours, as well as ways of encouraging people to improve their health.
... Michael Hoyt, Jennifer Kowalsky, Simona Lysakova, Lily McFarland, Emilia Mikrut, Patricia O'Brien, Carolyn Peterson, Megan Renna, Katy Roberts, Ashley Tudder, Dominic Ysidron, and Mariah Xu. Tracey A. Revenson would also like to ...
Health Psychology provides an accessible and empirically-based approach to understanding health psychology.
The initial data suggest that it takes about two years and possibly longer for smoking to become consistent and frequent (Leventhal & Cleary, 1980). During the "becoming a smoker” stage, biological factors appear to play a critical role ...
Offering a balanced perspective, this text incorporates the latest research findings and statistics. It provides explanations of biological, psychological and social factors in health issues, reinforced with case studies.
HIV Vaccine research: South Africa's ethical and legal framework and its ability to promote the welfare of trial ... Humor as an adjunctive therapy in cardiac rehabilitation, attenuates catecholamines & myocardial infarction ...