This book provides the theory and technical practice needed to understand the fundamental concepts of today's computer operating systems. Working with the most popular operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX/Linux this book covers major concepts including: operating system theory, installation, upgrading, configuration of the operating system and hardware, resource sharing, network connectivity, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Designed with a hands-on practical approach this book is an excellent resource for understanding, supporting and training across multiple operating systems.
Keep Your Course Current with Updated Technical Content: This edition covers the latest trends and developments in operating systems.
LISTING 6.5 Swatch Configuration Examples # System crashes and halts watchfor /(panic|halt)/ echo bell mail exec "call_pager 3667615 0911" # System reboots watchfor /SunOS Release/ echo bell mail exec "call_pager 3667615 0411" The ...
Offering a broad survey of operating systems, this text provides a strong foundation for learning about the history, types, and functions of operating systems.
Open Enterprise Server Administrator's Handbook
This Learner Guide addresses the competency ICAS3024A Provide basic system administration.
... Programs Desktop Themes Programs Control Panel Fotos Find Fast Font : Document Seting Game Controles InteRI PROS Internet Options Use the settings in Control Panel to personalize your computer Select an item to view its description ...
The parent directory of the tree is known as the root directory and is written as a forward slash ( / ) . The root contains several directories . Figure 3-1 shows the top of an imaginary UNIX filesystem tree — the root directory and ...
bin , etc , users , tmp , and usr are some of the subdirectories ( child directories ) of root . These are fairly standard directories and usually contain specific kinds of system files . For instance , bin contains many UNIX commands .
Keep Your Course Current: This edition includes information on the latest OS technologies and developments Enhance Learning with Student and Instructor Resources: Students will gain hands-on experience using the simulation exercises and lab ...
5.14 The Sleeping - Barber Problem . A barbershop consists of a waiting room with n chairs , and the barber room containing the barber chair . If there are no customers to be served , the barber goes to sleep .