Doherty and Sale ( 1986 ) reported rates of survival in a reef slope habitat for similar species to those studied by Sale and Ferrell were approximately 65 per cent for the first 30 days of life with most mortality occurring within five ...
The values for OLP I were reported by Sattar and Huda Khan (this vol.); those for OLP II were calculated from the annual statistical reports (Oxbow Lakes Project II 1994, 1995, 1996). Income from carp fishing in OLP I was calculated as ...
Optimise the management of tropical reef fish through the development of Indigenous scientific capability.
BERG, R. 1993. BesatzmaBnahmen in der fischereilichen Gewasserbewirtschaftung. Schriftene reihe des Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Fischereiverwaltungsbeamten und Fie schereiwissenschaftler 7. BERG, R. and R. ROSCH. 1998.
Management of Murray Cod in the Murray-Darling Basin: Statement, Recommentations and Supporting Papers, Workshop Held in Canberra, 3-4 June 2004
Moloney , C.L. , Marine Science Research Institute , Zoology Department , University of Cape Town , Rondebosch 7700 , South Africa . Joll , L.M. , Fisheries Department of Western Australia , Western Australian Marine Research ...
... 1995 /600 /A Text Book of Energy Technology : B. Mazumdar Advances in Ecology and Environmental Sciences : P.C. Mishra Advances in Environmental Biopollution : A.C. Shukla Advances in Environmental Science & Technology ( 8 Vols . ) ...
The Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges Fish Inventory: Distribution and Conservation of Freshwater Fishes of Tributaries to the Lower River Murray,...
Northern Territory Barramundi Farming Handbook
Box 5: An NRM decentralization success story: The case of forest management in Nepal In Nepal, official support for ... successes in both forest regeneration and in strengthening livelihoods by improving poor people's access to all ...
projektrapport för den Nordiska Miljö- och Fiskeristrategin Olof Sandström ... Som ovan sagts bidrog sannolikt närheten mellan fiske- och miljöförvaltningarna i Estland till att man direkt efter ockupationen byggde upp ett ...