酷夏來襲!準備沁涼暢快的消暑料理來對抗! 在炙熱的艷陽照射下,肌膚不僅會變黑,還可能導致乾燥、粗糙,此時多補充維生素、礦物質就顯得相當重要,而想攝取足夠的營養素最天然也最推薦的方法就是多吃水果。 台灣在春夏盛產水果,香甜多汁且清涼退火,非常適合入菜。由李德全大廚為您挑選10幾種當令水果,如蘋果、水梨、草莓、芭樂、鳳梨、百香果、蓮霧、番茄、石榴、櫻桃等等來組合成多款不同風味的套餐,並藉由擺盤設計呈現出精緻饗宴。 套餐特色 共有10組套餐,包括西式、中式、日式、南洋、美式,品項豐富、配色搶眼。食材份量皆採2人份,菜單組成則以營養均衡來作搭配。且依據餐點性質的差異,在盤飾設計、擺盤風格上也有巧妙變化,值得讀者借鏡參考。 ?前菜:前菜以小份量、精巧為主要特色。因應夏天而以沙拉、涼食為大宗。 ?主餐:主餐以飯、麵、麵包等有飽足感的料理作為指標。清爽無負擔是一大重點。 ?甜點:甜點在套餐中有畫龍點睛的效果,是餐點最後收尾,通常為布丁、果凍、鬆餅等小點心。 ?飲品╱湯品:冰沙、果汁是夏天必不可少的飲品。除了搭配飲料,也會適時地出現湯品,皆是依清爽消暑的主題所挑選。 ???小編推薦??? 從前置的菜單設計到食材採買、處理、烹調,作者都非常用心。 作法是遵循清楚詳實的原則,並附有重點步驟圖協助學習,吸收毫不費力。按照食譜所烹調出來的料理皆相當豐盛美味,只要品嘗過的人都讚不絕口,且能輕鬆地舉一反三改造成屬於自己的套餐食譜。 沒有比趁夏天享用開胃的清涼餐點更幸福的了! ???適合讀者群??? 一般家庭、熱愛烹飪的你、早午餐餐廳、咖啡廳、西式餐廳
He also started an educational wine program for staff and created the restaurant's first wine pairing menus. www.theinnatlittlewashington.com Kathy Casey is the chef-owner of Kathy Casey Food Studios in Seattle.
GIBSON. EVOE. A perfectionist conquers the seasons with a grill pan and a make-do playbook. Imagine you've wandered into a cooking show, but the audience is just you. Standing in what looks like a dorm room decorated by Sur La Table, ...
Gibson. Martini. Martinis are not only excellent, but also sophisticated. Ingredients: 6 parts gin or vodka 1 part dry vermouth 3 cocktail onions Directions: 1. Shake or stir gin (or vodka) and vermouth with ice. 2.
... 153; in calas, 175 Roanoke Island, N.C., 74 Roux, 12, 13, 16, 17, 84, 85 S St. Cecilia Punch, 189 St. Charles Hotel, 183 Salad: wilted, 133; composed, 135; potato, 135; tomato aspic, 140; cucumbers and onions, 141 Salisbury, ...
Food preservation teacher and cook Karen Solomon teaches you how to smoke, pickle, salt-cure, oil-cure, and dehydrate a variety of meats, dairy, fish, eggs, and other proteins economically and at home.
A lot of it was food that would ordinarily be a hard - sell on an à la carte menu . It was sort of funky food that people practically fell over — they were so impressed with it . But if we had put some of these dishes on our menu — like ...
Wineries of all types , sizes , and levels of quality buy and sell wines in bulk . Some sell all of their production that way . Most large producers buy significant amounts of bulk wines from other wineries and then BLEND , bottle , and ...
A comprehensive guide to whole-animal butchery, covering the rudiments of butchery; how meat animals are raised, slaughtered, and marketed; and the complexities of meat grading, carcass yield, marbling scores, and issues with inspection.
Two hip event planners team up to present a guide to throwing a fabulous party, offering insider tricks, fashionable tips, and clever strategies on choosing a creative theme, finding the perfect location, designing memorable invitations and ...
There's a complete resource guide in the back, not to mention savvy tips from Puff Daddy, Russell Simmons, Lara Flynn Boyle, David Copperfield, Hugh Jackman, and Donald Trump.