本論集收錄論文可分幾大類: 一、中國傳統文學理論,以詩話詞話為大宗,
... 把另一个吸收—像海绵—吸桶中水—一般—头脑正好是上帝的重量—因为—把它们掂一掂—八两半斤如果—有所不同—就像音节有别于声音—约1862(1863) 1896 633 (601)钟声停止时—礼拜—开始钟的—决断—轮齿—停止时—那是周圈—轮子的—极限—约1862(1863) 1945 634 (604)
The Works of Aphra Behn: The fair jilt and other short stories
Winner of the Samuel French Morse Poetry Prize
I asked to be transferred to Sterling and Gems . But the tines , the blades , the facets Menaced me . I learned you break or are broken . And then a Texaco receptionist , Jack - In - The - Box waitress ... No need to spell the perils ...
Riley Love-Lyrics [By] James Whitcomb Riley; With Life Pictures by William B. Dyer.
In The Man Who Married His Checkout Lane, he writes: "Oh my checkout lane / has the longest wait of any--though unlike / all the others in line, I won't leaf through the life / those tabloids provide rumors of: none of them / are beautiful ...
Single Spies: Two Plays about Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt ; & Talking Heads : Six Monologues
Selected Poems [of] Baudelaire
There he became particular friends with the headmaster's son, Charles Cowden Clarke, who was eight years his senior. Many years after Keats's death, Clarke recalled how as a schoolboy Keats had been “highly pugnacious” with an ...
好读书,尤精宋五子家言,于天文、舆地、兵法、河渠、水利,旁及艺术、方技靡不穷究。诗文皆有法度,不苟作。状言君天资高迈,践履笃实,平居以古名贤自期许,临事建树,卓卓如是,非偶然也。君生于乾隆四十一年丙申,春秋五十有八。嘉庆戊午举人,辛酉进士, ...