知名歌曲「玫瑰玫瑰我愛你」的原唱者姚莉,有「銀嗓子」歌后之稱,13歲出道,演歌生涯自四○年代跨六○年代,唱過超過四百多首膾炙人口的歌曲,她在四○年代名列上海七大歌星之一。 楊偉漢2003年因為製作已故知名作曲人姚敏的作品集「鉛華錄」,而與姚莉結緣, 。他愛上了姚莉的歌曲,因為她的聲音、她的歌曲,跨越時代、超越流行,更成為了人們的生活一部分。之後他數度飛往香港探訪姚莉,她終於被他的真誠感動,首肯接受訪問並出版此本自傳。 楊偉漢用了近四年的時間,紀錄了一代巨星姚莉一生的曲折起落,講述她如何在時代變遷中,用堅韌不拔的精神,在荊棘中綻放出人生的光輝。 2014年,楊偉漢更從姚莉四百多首歌曲中,挑選出其中45首。製作成《姚莉——玫瑰傳奇音樂劇》,串連出她的一生故事。 【本書特色】 姚莉的第一位入門弟子楊偉漢、馬來西亞知名創作歌手楊偉漢親自採訪撰寫。 傳記中的珍貴照片,皆為姚莉親自提供。 出版社 商周出版(城邦)
A very early example of this is the US single play ' The Hospital where a disturbed porter disrupts the power supply to the hospital . It was a CBS / Studio One production broadcast Doctor : Television , Storytelling and Medical Power ( ...
莎士比亚在喜剧方面取得了很高的成就。乐观主义是莎士比亚的喜剧创作的基调。在他的喜剧中,蕴含着人文主义者的美好理想,以及对人类光明前途的展望。本书收选朱生豪先生翻 ...
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Peter Weller ( Murphy the Robocop ) ; Nancy Allen ( Lewis ) ; Ronny Cox ( Jones ) ; Kurtwood Smith ( Clarence ) ; Miguel Ferrer ( Morton ) ; Robert DoQui ( Sergeant Reed ) ; Daniel O'Herlihy ( Old Man ) ...
Armour of God ( 1986 ; Hong Kong , Ac , Cm ) D : Jackie Chan C : Jackie Chan , Alan Tam , Rosamund Kwan , Lola Forner , Bozidar Smiljanic In this flamboyant actioner - clearly inspired by Raiders of the Lost Ark - Chan plays Asian Hawk ...
Behind the Scenes. by Elizabeth Keckley. Or, Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House.
"Locating information on women is difficult and the editors have done a fine job assembling and publishing information extant on individual women from many nations both living and dead. Because...
This volume contextualizes these biographies and shows how women became the products of the Confucian tradition's appropriation.
Here is a writer who has read widely and judiciously and for whom everything resonates within the intricately structured definition of home.
本书以史诗般的叙述语言,图文并茂的形式,遵循宋霭龄,宋庆龄,宋美龄三姐妹的个人成长,婚姻为主线,来深刻描画三姐妹"一个爱钱,一个爱国,一个爱权"的鲜明个性 ...