■ 本書為金賽點評版,正文由「性學三論」和「愛情心理學」兩部分組成 本書的一大特點是添加了美國「性革命之父」阿爾弗萊德•金賽的經典語句作為點評。作為曾在美國性學領域內引爆核彈級影響的大師,金賽與佛洛伊德思想精粹的交鋒,必會為讀者帶來全新的閱讀體驗。而這種理性的對峙,也更有助於我們對佛洛伊德的性學觀點作出更客觀、更深刻的理解。 ■ 輕鬆探索佛洛伊德複雜的理論,正確解讀佛洛伊德隱藏的心聲。 《愛情心理學》於一九○五年首次面世,是佛洛伊德開性學先河之作。在這部作品中,佛洛伊德運用精神分析法,結合實際病例,對人類從幼兒期到青春期的性發展進行了梳理,以性的對象、目的以及表現方法等方面為著眼點,對性的問題進行有系統的分析、研究。 《愛情心理學》的文字更為簡明易懂,而其中對人類性欲,尤其是幼兒性欲的直白描述,更使得該書一面世,就遭到了保守主義者們的嚴厲抨擊。但這一切都無法遮蓋這部心理學巨著的光芒,其後數年間的多次再版,充分說明了它的受眾之廣,而其影響之深更刷新了西方社會對「性」的認知。直至今日,書中提到的對兒童性教育的重要性仍對人類社會有著振聾發聵的作用。 ■世界上最有影響力的四大心理學家之一! 美國《圖書》雜誌曾經這樣評價佛洛伊德:「世界上如果沒有佛洛伊德,20世紀可能會大不相同,我們不會對自己的內心世界有如此深的瞭解,而且這個時代也會少許多優秀的藝術家。」 ■佛洛伊德與愛因斯坦和馬克思,被譽為影響世界的三個猶太天才! 佛洛伊德的無意識理論,對二十世紀人類文化有劃時代的意義。它對「人」的觀念影響巨大,二十世紀有關探討「人」的名家名著,幾乎都無一例外是「踩」在佛洛伊德的肩上的,佛洛伊德無意識學說對二十世紀對「人」自身探討的推動作用,波林做了形象而中肯的說明:「誰想在今後三個世紀內寫出一部心理學史,而不提佛洛伊德的姓名,那就不可能自詡是一部心理學通史。」其影響力及歷史地位,跟愛因斯坦、馬克思齊名。
The essays are arranged so that disciplines and themes interralate--each essay enhances the previous work and introduces the next. Overall, the book is arranged into three systematic approaches to gender studies.
David W. Machacek, Melissa M. Wilcox. Nafzawi,Umar ibn Muhammad.1964. ... Pp.1–23 in J.W.Wright,Jr.,and Everett K.Rowson,eds., Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature.New York: Columbia University Press. 292 Part 2 Religion, ...
Weigh gain was also related to higher rates of breast cancer recurrence and mortality , in particular in women who had never smoked ( Irwin , McTiernan , Baumgartner , et al 2006 ; Kroenke , Chen , Rosner , Holmes 2005 ) .
(quoted in Bates, 2004, p. 77) The reality is that most children who are integrated into the sex tourism trade are young teenage girls who are “used by situational abusers, i.e. men who neither know nor care how young the girls are” ...
The renowned anthropologist comments on male-female relationships and roles in South Sea cultures and analyzes patterns and trends that characterize contemporary American sexuality, marriage, and parenthood.
Kimlicka , Thomas ; Cross , Herbert ; and Tarnai , John . 1983. A Comparison of Androgynous Feminine , Masculine , and Undifferentiated Women on Self - Esteem , Body Satisfaction , and Sexual Satisfaction . Psychology of Women Quarterly ...
Following the system of nomenclature proposed by Jones ( 1962 ) , at least five classes of haemocytes have been recognized in ticks , namely ... dorsal branch of arterial sinus ; d - 1 . mdorsolateral suspensory muscles ; d - v . m .
A comprehensive and thoroughly up-to-date examination of the most important topics in human sexuality. Psychological Perspectives on Human Sexuality offers a comprehensive and much-needed empirical examination of human sexuality. It...
Perspectives on Human Sexuality: Psychological, Social, and Cultural Research Findings
Presenting various perspectives in human sexuality, this work includes data from 44 nations. It shows numerical figures for incidences of pregnancies, births and abortions.