15種裝潢工程 X 上百種工法材料整理
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The spaces we cook in have come a long way from the smoke- and heat-filled corners that were used as kitchens in medieval houses. Today kitchen culture is led by...
It is amazing what this one room--at times a harried workspace and at others the sentimental heart of the home--has meant to people over the course of more than four...
How do the Amish get along without electric lights or appliances, computers, power tools, or their own phones? This book examines the Amish response to technology. Also, the role of...
This complete revamping of what is perhaps the champion of do-it-yourself guides, surveying almost everything under your roof and some of what lies beyond, has managed to retain all of...
The New Solar Home Book has been for hundreds of thousands of readers the work that ushered in a new consciousness about how our culture uses and lives with energy....
Fix it yourself! Learn how to fix leaking faucets, broken windows, and creaky floors with this one-of-a-kind guide to home repair that is written by a woman for women. With...
Providing a resource of building and remodeling tips, techniques, and materials, this guide details a range of paints, finishes, roofs, siding, lumber, electrical and plumbing fixtures, masonry materials, and workshop...
?第一次裝修自己的房子,面對千頭萬緒的事,該怎麼按部就班執行?如何和設計師、工頭溝通才能避免吃虧?發包監工驗收,哪些工能省、哪些工不能省?裝修時,外表看不出來,但做錯就會很麻煩的Key-point在哪裡?關於裝修有哪些別人不會告訴你,但你一定要知道的溝通細節?裝修菜鳥們的福音來了!60天內穩紮穩打高效完工?7大任務x12道步驟x54執行重點本書以裝修前中後的執行為主軸,依序清楚訂下每個任務的步驟環節,並附上驗收清單,幫助Double check執行效能,並以淺顯易懂的圖文表現讓所有新手、半熟手、熟手、老手在面對裝修都能快速進入狀況,依現代人忙碌、慵懶卻又斤斤計較的生活模式與裝修閱讀需要,此書快速、省錢、精準的訴求勢必打動每個人的心!【本書特色】◎條列化:前中後期工作重點,清楚明白不複雜◎表格化:每一工作細節以表格方式呈現,有做沒做要做不要做一清二楚◎特殊時程表詳細呈現 高效裝修節奏◎以插圖加強文章語氣表情◎將所有裝修確認表逐一附在最後,方便讀者剪下攜帶或影印出版社 麥浩斯 (城邦)
The stunning For Your Home series showcases innovative design ideas for every room in the house. KITCHENS offers a wellspring of ideas and inspiration for decorating three specific kitchen types--New...
The ultimate toolbox for those seeking to live in an earth-friendly and practical way with expanded descriptions of today's viable solar technologies. 50 illustrations. 850 photos.